HomeFavorite ThingsFavorite Things Friday: Evernote


Favorite Things Friday: Evernote — 3 Comments

  1. Web clipper ? SEO ? Moleskine ? Quick ! Where’s my glossary ? ! ? But anything that would help me organize I need…once I get the hardware that the software goes with.

    • Well one thing I didn’t point out in my post is that Evernote is available for Windows PCs…but I can’t speak to how well it works on a PC. It is also available on Android phones. I’ll help you out with some quick definitions. Web clipper – that is the name of the tool that Evernote makes for the Firefox and Chrome internet browsers. SEO – Search Engine Optimization, probably the hottest field in web design right now. Moleskine – pronounced moleskin is just the name of a company that makes sturdy little notebooks…physical notebooks that you write in with an actual pen. There was a lot of geek speak in that post 🙂

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